
Value proposition: On-chain fund administration

How are you solving this?

Fume aims to define the new generation of investment funds. It's an admin tool for fund managers to replace the registrar & transfer agent, to automate the administration with smart contracts ensuring traceability and efficiency. New funds are registered in top-notch jurisdictions, such as Switzerland and Luxembourg, then, deployed on-chain. Subscriptions, redemptions, fee extractions, and NAV calculations are executed automatically through the protocol. Self-custody solutions (MPC, multi-sig) and/or other custodians are linked to the platform. Selective transparency via ZKP is provided to investors and financial regulators while preserving privacy from the market. The protocol is suitable also for non-tokenized assets (e.g. stocks, VC deals).

What are you building?

A multi-chain fund management tool to automate the administration with smart contracts ensuring traceability and efficiency.

  • For Fund Managers (target customers) to create regulation-compliant on-chain investment funds, in top-notch jurisdictions

  • Removing intermediaries such as banks and brokers

  • Selective transparency via ZKP is provided to investors and financial regulators

  • Not limited to cryptocurrencies. Any kind of assets, stocks, real estate, equities, commodities, etc.


  • On-Chain Fund Management: Utilizes blockchain technology to manage investment funds directly on-chain, ensuring real-time traceability and efficiency.

  • Smart Contract Automation: Automates critical fund administration tasks such as subscriptions, redemptions, and fee extractions through smart contracts.

  • Selective Transparency: Provides selective transparency to investors and regulators using Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), balancing transparency with privacy.

  • Intermediary Removal: Eliminates traditional intermediaries like banks and brokers, reducing counterparty risks and operational costs.

  • Legal Compliance: Ensures compliance with international fund management regulations, facilitating the creation of legally compliant funds in top jurisdictions.

  • Multi-Asset Support: Supports both tokenized and non-tokenized assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and venture capital deals, broadening investment opportunities.

  • Compliant Self-Custody Solutions: The integration with self-custody options such as Multi-Signature wallets and MPC (Multi-Party Computation) for enhanced asset security, allows for compliant setup without intermediaries.

Last updated