
Who are the competitors?

Of course we’re not the first ones trying to improve the administration of an investment fund.

Today many such platforms are trying to marginally improve the current model, by better connecting the different intermediaries, by automating transactions and generating reports. That’s nice, but what Fume is doing, is REMOVING these intermediaries altogether. Radically changing the system.

Other approaches with blockchain technology have been made but with the sole intention of replacing the current database of these intermediaries, with a decentralized database (often using private blockchain…), but again, relying on the legacy model of a fund.

Finally a third category, some fully decentralized non-custodial protocols, they allow to reproduce a fund-like behavior in a decentralized system, but without the compliance components (AML, FINMA, etc.), and with very limited amount of investable products. Whereas with Fume we conceived the whole system to be fully compliant with existing investment fund regulations.

How do we differentiate?

Fume differentiates itself from competitors through several key aspects that target the core inefficiencies and limitations of the current fund management model. These differentiators not only set Fume apart but also position it as a pioneering solution in the on-chain fund management space:

  1. On-Chain Fund Management: Unlike many competitors that focus on incremental improvements within the traditional framework of fund management, Fume leverages PUBLIC blockchain technology to manage funds entirely on-chain. This approach eliminates the need for traditional intermediaries such as banks and brokers, drastically reducing the fund's operational costs and counterparty risks, and significantly enhancing efficiency and transparency.

  2. Compliance and Regulatory Focus: Fume is designed with a strong emphasis on legal compliance and regulatory adherence, especially in top-notch jurisdictions like Switzerland and Luxembourg. This compliance focus makes Fume appealing to traditional fund managers looking to enter the blockchain space without compromising on regulatory standards.

  3. Broad Asset Support: Fume's platform is not limited to cryptocurrency or tokenized assets; it supports a wide range of assets, including stocks, real estate, equities, and commodities. This broad asset support caters to the diverse needs of fund managers and investors, enabling the creation of more versatile and attractive investment products.

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