
What are your barriers to entry and moats today? And what are they in the future?

Our current barriers to entry and moats in the blockchain-based fund management sector include:

  1. Technological Expertise and Innovation: Our deep expertise in blockchain technology and our innovative approach to fund management create a significant barrier for competitors. Developing a similar level of technological proficiency and innovative solutions is challenging for new entrants.

  2. Regulatory Compliance: Our emphasis on legal compliance and our ability to navigate complex regulatory landscapes in various jurisdictions serve as a strong moat. This aspect of our business requires extensive knowledge and relationships that new players might find difficult to replicate quickly.

  3. First-Mover Advantage: Being among the early adopters in using blockchain for fund management, we have a first-mover advantage. This positions us to establish strong brand recognition and customer loyalty before many competitors enter the market.

  4. Network and Partnerships: Our established network, including partnerships with fintech incubators like Tenity and connections within the financial industry, provides a competitive edge.

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